Activation Process

What is KAP?
KAP is a direct energy transmission that activates the process of Kundalini awakening. In a KAP session, spontaneous movements can and do arise. Some consider it a cathartic experience or something that gives them deep insights or realizations. But these are just some of the side effects that can and do happen.
A profound rewiring of the brain structure and central nervous system happens with continued exposure. Every “symptom” or sign of a kundalini awakening, from the earliest signs to the later end manifestations, are seen regularly in participants.
In a session, you lie down on a yoga mat. Some music is played. The facilitator touches or presses some of the chakra or meridian points on your body. That’s it. That’s all that happens on the outside. What happens on the inside is a totally different story…
Why KAP?
The transmission of KAP is different from any classic Kundalini practice and goes beyond just kundalini. It’s a descending life force where the energy enters from the top of the crown and works its way toward the root, and eventually activates the kundalini at the root chakras and starts to flow both ways. This creates a more powerful but gradual awakening process than most people have ever experienced and is often described as very natural.
Even though clients might go through deep healing and have strong experiences on a spiritual level, the focus in KAP is the embodiment of the spirit force and the shifts it brings in your consciousness. What matters is not what happens in a session, but the great shifts in your life after sessions.
Clients typically report having deep insights or realizations, strengthened intuition, shifts in perception of reality, more clarity, developed senses, a capacity to feel more deeply, deeper states of consciousness, a sense of purpose, deeper connection to themselves, living with a more open heart, inner knowing, bliss states, experiencing non-dual states or oneness…the list goes on.
It affects every aspect of their lives and results in them making lifestyle choices more suited for them, their health, and their life purpose.
The signature of the KAP lineage and the founder Venant Wong is that practitioners generally go through this awakening while also staying grounded and connected to their bodies and this world.

Venant Wong
Venant Wong is a transmission vehicle and teacher. He transmits the raw life force of kundalini. He also transmits his most native state of non-dual awareness. This along with a lifetime of intense physical embodiment practices brings together a unique transmission frequency that is a blend of raw Kundalini & deep consciousness that is overwhelmingly incarnated into the physical body.
It is this specific & unique blend of what traditionally has been considered different schools/systems/or lineages that makes KAP so intensely transformative & life-changing.
Venant’s personal embodiment practices have included:
Tae Kwon Do 2nd Dan Blackbelt & Instructor. Worked & trained as a professional dancer for 7 years.100% raw foodist for the last 15 years, since July 2007.
Venant was also an apprentice to David Deida (a sacred sexuality teacher), and was a formal devotee of spiritual realizer Adi Da Samraj.